Our Warranty
We Stand Behind Our Work.

We hereby warranty all sealcoating applications from the time the application is applied. We will stand by our workmanship on all written contracts under the following conditions and guidelines. If you have any warranty issues with your driveway, parking lot, or road, we will resolve the problem within reason.

1. Evolution Asphalt will not be responsible for any harmful chemicals, vehicle, animal, or foot traffic until the sealer is completely cured. Allow the sealer to dry for a time of 12 to 24 hours.

2. Evolution Asphalt will not be responsible for any standing gravel, standing water, tire chains, snowplows, or salt applications, or any oil, gas, or antifreeze on your sealcoated surface.

3. Evolution Asphalt will not be responsible for any peeling of sealcoat due to oil, gas, or tree sap already on the existing asphalt. We will do our best to clean your asphalt surface 100% before the sealer is applied. If your sealcoat peels or flakes there will be a minimum material charge to reapply the sealcoat; there will be no charge for labor. Workmanship is 100% guaranteed.